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Saturday, June 6, 2015

College time is over..!! so what will you do next?

Hello My name is Elsa Meyti Tabita, I am a fresh graduated from one of famous university in my country. I wanna tell you about how hard for me to move on from college student status to be a jobless now. The graduation day was happy day but I realized the darkest time was beginning. I was scare I could not have fun with my new life. You know when you were a college student, you lived with your roommate, you managed your money and you could go anywhere without your parents' intervention. 

Today I have a harsh day, because I am jobless who waiting for a good news. That is a calling for interview, selection test, and training. I have applied many of job vacation and I have gotten some of rejections. Talk about rejection, It was awful moment, I felt like I have been kicked out from this earth. 

If you got a rejection and failure when in selection test or interview, you must do something fun to recover your mood or angry evil in your mind, there are:
1. Go to the mall : 
You will smile when you see the good dresses, bags and shoes, but do not buy them, It just for refresh your eyes.
2. Find a delicious food
It is working because it can calm your heart
3. Tell your rejection story to your best friend
It is the best way because you can get some suggestions and not feel alone.

Till this day I really miss my college time, but I must accept this case because I have to continue my life. There are my best moment when I was still undergraduate:

1. This is my sorority friends

2. This is my friends and me, take a pic for organization member 2012

3. Hang out with friends at my university's garden

4. Halloween Party in my sorority

These are  some my pieces of beautiful life when I was college girl. Many something extraordinary in college life: Friendship, love, fighting and adventure,

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