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Sunday, October 11, 2015


Do you ever become Emergency BF/GF...??
If you don't...I tell you now.
First of all the definition of Emergency BF/GF is A BF/GF is needed when your mate feel lonely or need your help for something but He/ she never cheat on you.

Almost the typical of BF/GF who makes you as emergency BF/GF is workaholic. He/she just busy of their business. He/she is not romantic and do what he/she likes.

My friends and I have ever felt this experience. It's kind of annoying moment coz our BF/GF never be by your side when you need her/ him. On the contrary, You always do the best endeavour to be present when your BF/GF need you. Sometimes, You feel alone maybe you can feel you are single coz ur BF/GF seems invisible in your life. Most of cases, your BF/GF who make you as Emergency BF/GF  is busy in their world. He/she just forget about the commitment in relationship.

If you have this condition, You should not leave your BF/GF. What you should do first is stay positive. Positive thinking is very helpful to strenghten yourself. Next, don't stop give your care to your BF/GF. THen, find out the good timing to Talk to your BF/GF about your commitment. The last step

Before you want to start a relationship you should know your BF/GF behavior and job. The typical o of busy man is hard to understand. If you can't stand with your emergency BF/GF status you have a right to leave your BF/GF.

PLease don't become EMERGENCY BF/GF in your relationship, because You are so special so find out a lover who appreciate you.

Make a Simple Purse from Clip file Folder (The second Chance of Useless file Folder)

Hello guys, welcome back with me Elsa. This post about the Tutorial to make a simple purse. I hope you like it, This purse is multi function you not only keep your money but also keep your make up tools. The main materials are felt and secondhand of clip file folder. I got the inspiration because I found my old clip file folders which I would place them in trash. So, I tried to find a idea to make them meaningful again to me. By the way, I will show you how I make it meaningful, please read it guys!! :)

1. 1 black felt ( 25 cm X 23 cm)
2.  2 pieces purple felt A (25 cm x 5 cm)
3.  2 pieces purple felt B (12 cm x 5 cm)
4. Clip file folder (Whatever the kind of folder but It must from Plastic)
5. Zipper
The materials

1. Scissors
2. Ruler
3. Marker
4. Glue (Fox)
5. Needle
6. Thread


Steps 1 (MAKE THE INNER) :
1. First, measure the folder with length: 25 cm and Width : 23 Cm.
2. Use the marker to make the line.
3. Cut the folder with scissors.
4. Divide the width (23 cm) of the folder  into 3 parts, they are top: 10 cm, middle : 3 cm and the below : 10 cm.
5. Use the marker to make the line of these parts.
6. Then Fold the folder based on the line.

Step 2 (THE FELTS) :
1. Cut the black felt become 25 cm x 23 cm
2. Make two pieces the purple felt A with the size 25 cm X 5 cm and two pieces  Purple felt B with the size 12 cm X 5 Cm

Step 3 (THE PURSE):
1. Prepare the black felt with the length: 27 cm and width: 25 cm.
2. attach the black felt on the folder.
3. after that, you fold based on the shape.
4. Prepare the small 2 pieces of purple felt B with the size, length: 12 cm and width : 5 cm.
5. The small purple felt, you sew them on left and right the purse.

1.First, prepare the purple felt A and zipper.
2. Sew the zipper on two pieces purple A.
3. After that, attach the border of the zipper on the purse.
4. To make it cute  give a purple ribbon on your purse.
5. Finally, You have your new  purse.