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Monday, May 8, 2017

8 Makanan Khas Singkawang yang Musti Kamu Cicipi

Doc. Pribad

Singkawang adalah kota yang terkenal di Kalimantan Barat. Keindahan kota dan budaya yang khas membuat para wisatawan tertarik berkunjung ke kota Singkawang. Selain keindahan kota dan budaya, Singkawang tersimpan kuliner yang khas yang menakjubkan. Kuliner yang khas ini biasanya membuat kalian tidak bakal melupakan rasanya. Berikut ialah 8 makanan yang musti kamu cicipi jika kamu ke Singkawang:

1. Bakso 68

Bagi yang pernah ke Singkawang pasti tidak akan melewatkan makan bakso 68 yang sudah  sangat terkenal. Bukan hanya warga Singkawang yang senang makan bakso 68 tetapi juga kalangan artis nasional, wisatawan asing, dan pejabat Indonesia pastinya tidak akan melewatkan untuk makan bakso ini. Uniknya bakso 68 ini ialah dalam semangkok bakso bukan hanya bakso sapinya saja tetapi di tambah dengan daging sapi seperti daging babat juga dan ada atraksi tambahan yaitu lemparan mie  ke mangkuk saat menghidangkan bakso dari penjualnya. Pokonya seru banget kalau kalian makan di Bakso 68 yang berada di jalan Diponegoro. Kalian jangan heran kalau dinding rumah makan penuh dengan foto orang- orang terkenal karena jika kamu termasuk orang terkenal pasti kamu bakal di ajak foto oleh pemilik Bakso 68 dan foto kamu bakal di pajang.

2. Choi Pan

Choi pan adalah kuliner paling terfavorit bagi warga Singkawang. Selain murah, enak dan rasanya beragam. Varian rasa yang terdapat di dalam isi choi pan tersebut ialah mulai dari bengkoang, kucai, dan rebung. Choi pan yang dikukus lebih enak daripada yang digoreng karena yang dikukus lebih terasa gurih. Makanan ini pastinya 100% halal karena bahan-bahan makanannya berupa tepung kanji, udang ebi dan isi choi pan tersebut (bengkoang, kucai dan rebung).

3. Han Pan

Han Pan adalah cemilan yang enak yang terbuat dari tepung beras, lobak manis, daun bawang dan udang ebi. Han pan disajikan dengan sambal cabe yang pedas. Makanan ini sangat lembut ketika dimasukkan ke mulut. Cemilan Han pan sepotong kotak kecil seharga Rp. 1000,- . Makanan ini di jual di Food Truck pada sore hingga malam hari di depan Fun Station Singkawang. Han pan sangat cocok di hidangkan dengan minuman segar seperti Teh es. 

4. Bubur Gunting

Bagi pertama kali dengar nama makanan ini pasti heran karena ada selipan kata "gunting".  Bubur gunting ialah makanan jajanan yang unik karena proses pembuatannya harus menggunakan gunting untuk memotong roti.Jadi bubur gunting ini terdiri dari roti yang di gunting, kuah gula yang manis yang terdapat kacang kedelai. Makanan ini biasa di jual di pinggir jalan Antasari. Makanan ini sangat enak sehingga tidak aneh kalau siang hari pasti bubur gunting sudah habis, jadi kalau ingin membeli musti datang agak awal.

5. Bubur Pedas

Ini ini makanna yang paling ciri khas dan tidak ada di tempat lain. Bubur yang penuh sayur dan rasanya pedas. Bubur ini terasa pedas karena daun kesum tetapi walau sudah pedas lebih enak lagi ditambah cabe lagi makannya. Asal muasal bubur pedas ini berasal dari Sambas. Karena di Singkawawng kebanyakan orang melayunya ialah dari Sambas makanya bubur pedas ini bisa ditemukan juga di Kota Singkawang. Bubur pedas ini unik karena terbuat dari beras yang disangrai, apalagi di campurkan dengan daun kesum membuat rasanya semakin khas. Bubur pedas ada beberapa pilihan seperti bubur pedas tulang sapi, bubur pedas kikil dan bubur pedas teri. Semua pilihan bubur pedas enak semua, kalian pasti tidak menyesal mencobanya.

6. Tahu Singkawang

Tahu Singkawang memang menjadi makanan incaran para wisatawan. Tahu Singkawang tidak kalah nikmat dengan tahu sumedang karena tahu ini segar, empuk dan gurih. Tahu singkawamg sangat cocok disajikan dengan sambal cabe dan kecap manis. Tahu Singkawang biasanya dijadikan oleh-oleh bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung baik yang masih mentah maupun yang digoreng. Biasanya tahu Singkawang dibeli wisatawan langsung di pabriknya karena alasan lebih segar. Bagi yang tertarik makan tahu Singkawang silahkan datang ke Kota Singkawang

7. Rujak Thai Pu ji Singkawang

Rujak Thai Pu Ji adalah rujak yang wajib sekali dicicipi karena beda dari rujak pada umumnya. Rujak disajikan dengan buah-buahan segar, sambal rujak dengan kacang tanah, bubuk udang ebi dan kerupuk melinjo. Bagi yang pertama kali cicipi pasti ketagihan dan tidak bakal lupain rasa khasnya. Jika anda berminat datang saja ke warung yang Rujak Thai Pu ji berada di jalan Muslimin Ismail No.8, Condong, Singkawang Tengah. Jika anda pecinta rujak jangan sampai lupa makan rujak Thai Pu ji, ya!

8. Mie Asuk

Mie Asuk adalah mie khetiaw yang terdiri dari mie khetiaw, telur, sayur cangkok manis, kecap dan telur urak- arik. Rasanya sangat enak apalagi dimakan disaat musim penghujan. Nama mie asuk untuk makanan ini ialah karena zaman dulu mie ini kebanyakan penjualnya paman-paman tionghoa yang panggilannya asuk tetapi zaman sekarang sudah banyak penjualnya wanita. Kalian jangan ragu makan mie asuk ini karena mie ini 100 %  halal. Silahkan mencoba!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

POOR TRAVELER STORY trip to Kuching, Malaysia

Kere-kere Kece 
Pengalaman Back packer ke Kuching, Malaysia

Ini pengalaman pertama ku ke luar negeri. Mumpung dekat karena saya tinggal di Kota Singkawang. Saya punya hobi jalan-jalan tetapi duit adalah masalah utama bagi saya. Gaji seorang guru kan kecil apalagi saya cuma guru honor. Tapi ya..Sudahlah :( Saya selalu bersyukur apa yang ada. Ini pengalaman saya saat melancong ke Kuching. Pertama saya memesan hotel di Kuching khusus backpacker namanya "Drop in Guest" lewat Traveloka. Karena menurut saya yang penting bisa tidur di negeri orang, walau murah pun tak masalah. Drop in Guest terletak di jalan padungan jadi merupakan tempat yang cukup strategis. Tips saya jika kamu ke negeri orang carilah letak yang strategis dengan spot wisata agar menghemat biaya soalnya ongkos taksi cukup mahal. Selama saya disana saya hanya jalan kaki saja walaupun cape tapi cukup berkesan. Drop in Guest ini selain strategis tempat ini nyaman dan harganya terjangkau. Ini linknya kalau anda penasaran.

Kantor Imigrasi Entikong

Kemudian setelah memesan hotel, saya merasa cukup tenang karena sangat praktis. Di saat tanggal keberangkatan tiba, saya bersama teman saya berangkat dari Singkawang ke Sosok (Daerah kabupaten Sanggau) menggunakan bis kecil dengan ongkos Rp. 75.000/ orang pada Pagi hari yaitu jam 10 pagi. Kalian pasti bertanya mengapa saya tidak langsung ke Kuching? Mari kita balik ke judul blog saya. Hehehe...Saya ini Poor Traveler jadi saya memilih ke sosok dulu karena Singkawang-Kuching biayanya mahal banget biayanya Rp.300.000an gitu. 

Setelah sampai di Sosok, kami istirahat sejenak dan menginap semalam soalnya kami sampai ke Sosok tu jam 6 sore dan hujan lebat sekali. Keseokan harinya di saat badan sudah segar kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Balai karangan jam 10 pagi lagi-lagi dengan bis kecil yang namanya "Anak Mama". Biaya cuma Rp.35.000 dan tiba di Balai Karangan jam 2 siang. Setelah sampai ke Balai karanga kami sambung naik oplet ke daerah perbatasan yaitu Entikong dengan biaya Rp. 5000 dengan waktu 1 jam tetapi untungna kantor Imigrasi masih buka.

Di kantor Imigrasi Entikong kami tidak lupa melewatkan moment foto di kantor tersebut. Desain Kantor Imigrasi sungguh keren banget. Setelah beres di kantor migrasi kami lanjut lagi ke Kota Kuching dengan memakai kereta sewa dengan 30 ringgit saja. Kereta sewa sudah tersedia di kantor imigrasi jadi tidak perlu repot mencari transportasi. Finally sekitar jam 5.30 kami sampai di penginapan nyaman kami di Drop in Guest. Kamar kami nyaman, ada Tv, Ac dan Wifi walaupun kamar mandi nya sharing tempat ini sudah cukup nyaman bagi Poor Traveler. 

Selama di Kuching kami mengunjungi berbagai tempat wisata menarik di Kuching yaitu:

1. Kuching Waterfront City

2. Fort Margherita

3. Esplanade

4. Main Bazaar
Main Bazaar adalah tempat belanja di Kuching.
5. Plaza Merdeka

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Great Places for Hang out in Singkawang City (Tempat bagus untuk nongkrong di kota Singkawang)

Singkawang is one of small city in West Kalimantan. Singkawang is best known as Kota Amoi, it means that a city which full of young pretty thionghoa/ Hakka girls. This city not only has many beautiful young girls but also has great places to hang out. The list of places has been summarized by the writer based on her life experience as Singkawang citizen.
Singkawang adalah salah satu kota kecil di Kalimantan Barat. Singkawang di kenal sebagai  Kota Amoi, yang berarti kota yang penuh gadis cantik muda berdarah thionghoa/ Hakka. kota ini bukan hanya terkenal dengan gadis muda cantik tetapi juga tempat- tempat bagus untuk nongkrong. Daftar temlat telah dirangkum sang penulis berdasarkan  pengalaman hidupnya sebagai warga Singkawang.

1. Cafe Q

This place is very easy to find because the cafe which is owned by Hotel Khatulistiwa. The hotel is on Ponegoro street. You can enjoy the acoustic music live on Saturday night and free Wifi. This cafe  provides delicious snacks and meals, but don't worry you will spoil with their fresh or warm drinks too. This place always crowded on Saturday night. If you wants come, please come early.! :)

Tempat ini mudah ditemukan karena cafe ini di miliki oleh Hotel Khatulistiwa. Hotel tersebut berada di Jalan Diponegoro. Kamu akan menikmati pertunjukkan musik akustik livedi malam minggu dan Wi fi gratis. Kafe ini menyediakan cemilan dan makanan enak, tapi jangan khawatir kamu juga kan dimanjakan dengan minuman segar dan hangatnya. Tempat ini selalu ramai kalau mlama minggu. Jika kamu ingin berkunjung, silahkan datang lebih awal! :)

2. Foodfest
This cafe is very colorful and cute because of its cheerful interior. Foodfest's address is on Tsjafiodin street. The menu of this cafe is very unique and has many choices. The ornaments and decorations in this place are very pure handmade by the owner. The prices of the food and drinks are very friendly for all people with its gorgeous menu. In this place you can see some food stalls which sell many choices snacks or meals. It is good invite your friends for lunch and dinner in this place. You will never regret the taste for coming this cafe.

Cafe ini sangat berwarna dan imut karena interior meriahnya. Alamat Foodfest di jalan Tsjafiodin. Menu di cafe ini sangat unik  dan banyak pilihan. Ornamen dan dekorasi di tempat ini sangat asli buatan kerajinan dari pemiliknya. Harga makanan dan minuman sanagt bersahabat untuk semua orang dengan menu luar biasanya. Di tempat ini  kamu bisa melihat beberapa kios makanan yang menjual banyak pilihan cemilan atau makanan. Bagus sekali mengajak teman-temanmu untuk makan siang dan makan malam disini. Kamu tidaka akan menyesal datang ke cafe ini.

3. Kampung Batu Restaurant

If you like romantic and classy place for hang out, Kampung Batu Restaurant is the good place for you. Kampung Batu is totally beautiful resort. You can see the view of Singkawamg city from the hill. It is because Kampung Batu location is on hill. Its architecture's concept is tropical elegant, you never regret there. Moreover, not only the menu of this place is so delicious but also the friendly services you can feel it. If you are tiring, you can stay in Kampung Batu's Villa. If you come our city, don't forget visit this place on Jl. Ayani then enter Batu Mas alley.

Jika kamu suka hang out romantis dan berkelas, Restorant Kampung Batu adalah tempat yang bagus untuk kamu. Kampung Batu adalah resort yang sungguh indah. Kamu bisa melihat pemandangan kota Singkawawang dari Bukit. Ini karena lokasi Kampung Batu berada diatas bukit, Konsep arsitektur nya ialah tropis elegan, kamu tidak akan menyesal disana. Apalagi, bukan hanya menu yang enak di tempat ini tetapi juga pleyanan ramah yang kamu bisa rasakan. Jika kamu lelah, kamu bisa menginap di Villa Kampung Batu. Jika kamu datang ke kota kami, janga lupa kunjungi tempat ini di jalan Ayani gang Batu Mas.

3. Tekape

Tekape is a place where you can enjoy the glowing of Singkawang city around Diponegorro street. You can relax while staring the crowded of this city. This cafe is so strategic because the location is city center. The cage is close to Bombay Tekstil, boutiques and others shop. If you are boring you can enjoy the free wifi and spoiling with food and drinks here. The writer recommend you try the Matcha latte of this cafe because it is very fresh when you drink it. This cafe just provides light snacks are no less delicious then elsewhere.

Tekape ialah tempat dimana kamu bisa menikmati gemerlapnya kota singkawang yang berada  sekitaran jalan ponegoro, Kamu bisa bersantai sambil memandangi keramaian kota Singkawang. Kafe ini sangat strategis karena berada dipusat kota. Kafe ini dekat dengan toko Bombay Tekstil, toko baju, dan toko terknela lainnya. Jika kamu bosan kamu bisa menikmati Wifi gratis disini dan dimanjakan dengan makanan dan minuman yang keren di Kafe ini. Sang penulis sangat merekomendasikan anda mecoba Matcha latte disini karena sangat segar ketika kamu meminumnya.  kafe ini hanya menyediakan cemilan ringan yang tidak kalah enak denga cafe lainya.


Yuca Banana is the popular cafe now for teenagers mingle but it means that you are adult people maybe don't usually go there, because you can feel that you are older...LoL.Ifcyiu curious go there, don'tvworry you will spoil by the uniqueness and friendly prices. The interior such as country style  with the wooden theme. You can taste cireng, bakwan, cheese bread and other the delicious food. The drinks are good and fresh. The address of this place is on Hermansyah street. If you come you will feel calm spontaneously. Try it ! :).

5. Coffee Camp

Coffee Camp is the great place for writer right now. This place provide many choices of coffee, food, snacks, and hot or cool drinks.  The writer recommend you taste the burger because it is very delicious.You also enjoy the free Wifi here. On Saturday night, you can feel the mingle because this place always crowded. The interior is modern and cool. Plus, this places provides some games such as : UNO stacko, Falling Monkey and Monopoly. You never get bored here. If you are interested just go there, the address is on Pelita street.

6. Coffee Mania

Coffee Mania tempat yang ramah dan tenang untuk nongkrrong. Menu makanannya tidak pernah membuat kamu kecewa karena mereka melayani kamu bagus. Caffee mania memiliki menu yang menarik, interior yang unik, pelayan yang ramah dan kopi yang lebih baik. Tempat ini berada di jalan Pelita dekat hotel Mahkota yang sedang di rekontruksi. Jika kamu penasaran, datang saja dan rasakan sesansinya. :)

Coffee Mania is friendly and calm place for hang out. The menu never let you down because they serve you better. Coffee Mania has interestung menu, unique interior, friendly waitress, and better coffee. This place is on Pelita Street near to Hotel Mahkota which is reconstructing. If you curious, just go there and taste the sensation.

Those are all about great places  for hang out in Singkawang City based on the writer's experience for now. I hope my writing is useful for you guys.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Some annoying students in your class

Hello..,I am elsa and I am a teacher. I would like to tell you about my experience as a teacher especially about students' type  in the class. I already have observed it when I was a training teacher till today as real teacher in senior high school. In your class you certainly know these types because you had ever been a student before. These types might be annoying for teacher and normal student because of their oddity. Read and comment please if you interested.


1. Sleeping Student
This type is very famous and every school has this kind of student. They always sleep when teacher expains the subject. They have many reasons why that they sleepy but the reasons always non-sense. This student typically is lazy and weak in subjects.

2. Forgetful Student
Forgetful students always annoying for some students in group project. Forgetful students are lazy because always never focus on study. They will forget about study when they are not in school. Doing homework even doing groupwork is myth for them. They are forgetful because they won't to do all asignment or study. In other words they are never want to remember all moments in school.

3. Flirting Student
This student is freak for teacher because they flirt for somethoing unclear. The flirting student always disturb teacher's concentration, activity and private life. They are always easy find out the target teacher phone number or social account. If they already get those, they will reach the teacher everytime and disturb the teacher. At school they always act that they very close but it is disgusting for all students see this situation.

4. Mr./Mrs. Turtle
The annoying moment when the students come late everydays and say sorry with innocent face. This student never appreciate time and subject. They are not only because a turtle for coming late but also late in submitting assigment. This student usually have many non-sense reasons and lie everytime.

5. Naughty Students
Naughty students are an enemy for teacher because they always disturb learning process. Most of them are slow learner, lazy and strange. They do what they do but never think that they are freak. They always do something strange and unclear. They actually need more attention because they are lonely inside and clueless.

6. Over polite Students
Over polite students can beannoying for students and teachers because they do politeness in wrong situation. They are good like an angel but if it is too over can make people sick and tired.

7. Searching Face Student
This students always have many ways to make teacher proud of them but unnatural. Everything that they do is "acting" or they are just pretend to be good students because they are hungry of high score in all subjects. Their pretend attitude to be kind, smart and helpful just show front of the teacher especially in class discussion, and presentation. The teacher and other students always recognize "A Searching Face Student" do their action too over. They want the teacher focus on them but actually the teacher bored of them. This students always offer themselves to help carry the teacher's books, bag and etc even they offer give the teacher gifts, nice stuff and food. It might be kind of bribe in school but it's fact. The normal students always hate this searching face student.

8. Stuborn Students
Stuborn students are smart and hold their opinion eventhought that their opinion is wrong. They are selfish and never accept other opinion wisely. The normal students hate stuborn students because always a quarrel in presentation and discussion. The stuborn student never won't lose and listen others.

9. Bulliers
Bulkiers are the most annoying students ever because they love humiliate weak students. They are bossy and  arrogant because they are lonely. They actually don't have friends so that they do humiliation for satisfication. You just run if you meet bulliers. Bulliers never care about hurt that they make.

10. Stuffy Nerd
This student always silent in class. The teacher is hard to know them. Stuffy nerd is invisible student because they never expose themselves even to speak up. They are shy and nerve when they speak. Their voice is expensive because they won't to speak if the teacher or other students ask them.

11. Mr./Mrs. Borrow
Don't bring your pencilcase if your class has Mr. And Mrs. Borrow. They are stingy for themselves. They always borrow everything if they know you have good stuff and they never return your stuff.

12. Gossiper Student
Gossiper student has talent to be host. They can predict and make hot issues which can be trusted or not. They never scare tell us about fake rumors and bad scandal.The bad thing of them that they are never know about themselves anymore because they always talk about someone everyday. They always more care other's problem than their own problem. These students not good because they can make a riot in friendship.Gossiping is their main food because they can't live without gossip. These students often won't give attention in class because they are busy in gossiping so that's why the teacher always mad at them.

13. Queenbee  and Bumble bee Student
Queenbee is a girl student that she thinks she is beautiful and popular meanwhile the  bumble bee student is a boy student that he thinks he is handsome and popular. These students are good looking and  famous. They love become center of interest. Almost of them are slow learner because they love non-academic activity such as sports, fashion show, cheers, singing and dancing. The bad thing that most of them are arrogant, bossy and picky in choosing friend. You are just a dreamer to be close with them if you are not good in physical and popularity. They just love join and hang out that have similarity with them. In school they are talented and always become icon.
Those types are my point of view. It's okay if don't like it, my blog just for entertain. I hope if you are belong to those students, you will change become more good character but stay be yourself. If you can't be a normal student at least you can be should diligent, reduce the negative sides and listen your teacher. Everyone is uniqe and odd, what you do is try to make your uniqeness and oddity useful and don't hurt people.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The suffering of a single teacher ( when will you get marry, miss?)

                       Crazy action of me who suffer waiting for Mr. Right      
        When will you get marry ?? That's an annoying question that  a single teacher always hear especially at school. The funny thing not only the senior teachers ask this question but also the students. HEllo...that's make me sick...in whole of my life now, everyday...!
That's question like a bulletproof  stab in your heart which is shot by machine gun of Lewis gun . If I want to say what I feel, It hurts me so much like I die because of laser sword of Luke sky-walker in star wars movie.

             I don't know when I will get marry. It's hard to make serious commitment because marriage needs preparation in physically and mentally.  In marriage exactly you must have your mate. Honestly, I still find out my Mr.Right who love me long lasting. I think is hard to get true love in modern life. I am so pessimistic because of the fact which appears in celebrity's life. Celebrity's life is not give me a figure of true love. Only divorce and sorrow. Sometimes make me afraid to commit.
In Indonesia, You will feel desperate because you are single in around 25 to 30 and the worst part if you are a woman. In Indonesia culture, woman always marry in young age that's why the cause people feels strange if you are not married in the mature age.

          First, I felt hate this situation when people ask me when I will get marry and I always bored to explain the reasons. The main reason for me, I am not ready for marriage because I feel  I am not appropriate yet become a wife or a mother. In marriage, woman two professions as a wife and a mother. A wife you must keep your family united, A mother you must keep your children have a good education and affection.

           I think ready for marriage not only about physiology but also financial. Finance is most important for me because I don't want my children are poor both in education and healthy. I am sure that many parents in this world don't want their children have inappropriate life.

           So, this is my writing about the suffering of a single teacher. The fact, I am a single teacher always miss the moment of marriage but we don't know when it can be happens. I just try so hard to raise it as I can.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Teacher's Risk

           Teacher is my job...many people think that a noble job.Honestly that is totally correct. Something nobly always has its challenge.
       People says that "A teacher always be model for students ". That sentence kinda annoying for me. Firstly, I am not a perfect person. Secondly, I only depend on the knowledge that I 've got from my background education. Thirdly, I am not always discipline. The last, It's hard for me to inspire my students to be a nice people. In this case a teacher not only must teaching but also educating. We are the hope for our country in forming the next generation.
        Obviously, I love my job because I can recognize various students' character and try understand them. The hard part is when many questions appear into myself " Am I a good teacher?. I am just an ordinary person who depend on my knowledge". Sometimes I feel guilty if I realize that I teach something unclear and make  students confuse. I will think so hard what I will do next. The things must be creative to make my students understand easily. Becoming teacher needs creativity because lead and give service for our students.
Creativity influence teacher's performance but the most influence is teacher's character. The character influence the students' response. Whether is positive and negative response. Teacher's character sometimes dilemma for me. If I state my character become a killer teacher, the students will hate me. Conversely, if I state myself become a friendly teacher, the students will spoil and never appreciate you. Honestly, I don't want students hate me but I don't want they become spoil. Finally, I state become myself become a half killer and half friendly. LOL.
It's hard become a teacher when you become you are not. That's why I have decided to be myself in teaching. What I love become a teacher is teaching because I can discuss and sharing a story or knowledge with my students. What I hate become a teacher is check the students' assignment and become overseer in mid-test or final exam. The only thing make me stay become a teacher is my students. I love their spirit, smile and intelligent always make remember when I was young and give inspiration of my life. That's all my story about teacher's risk, every work has its own story even is fun or annoying.
Feeling exhausted in checking students' assignment

Always smile when I have many homework (Checking)

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Do you ever become Emergency BF/GF...??
If you don't...I tell you now.
First of all the definition of Emergency BF/GF is A BF/GF is needed when your mate feel lonely or need your help for something but He/ she never cheat on you.

Almost the typical of BF/GF who makes you as emergency BF/GF is workaholic. He/she just busy of their business. He/she is not romantic and do what he/she likes.

My friends and I have ever felt this experience. It's kind of annoying moment coz our BF/GF never be by your side when you need her/ him. On the contrary, You always do the best endeavour to be present when your BF/GF need you. Sometimes, You feel alone maybe you can feel you are single coz ur BF/GF seems invisible in your life. Most of cases, your BF/GF who make you as Emergency BF/GF  is busy in their world. He/she just forget about the commitment in relationship.

If you have this condition, You should not leave your BF/GF. What you should do first is stay positive. Positive thinking is very helpful to strenghten yourself. Next, don't stop give your care to your BF/GF. THen, find out the good timing to Talk to your BF/GF about your commitment. The last step

Before you want to start a relationship you should know your BF/GF behavior and job. The typical o of busy man is hard to understand. If you can't stand with your emergency BF/GF status you have a right to leave your BF/GF.

PLease don't become EMERGENCY BF/GF in your relationship, because You are so special so find out a lover who appreciate you.